When Everyone Did What’s Right in Their Own Eyes

March 16th Bible Study: Judges 17-19

Read Judges 17-19**or listen to it here:**Judges 17-19 Audio

📜 Scripture of the Day
📖 Judges 17:6 – “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.”

Woman Reading Bible with Coffee

Judges 17-19 reveals the deep moral and spiritual decline of Israel during the time of the judges. With no central leadership, people do what is right in their own eyes, leading to idolatry, corruption, and horrific violence. Micah’s homemade religion shows how easily people distort true worship when they abandon God’s commands. The Levite’s tragic story in chapter 19 highlights the consequences of a nation turning away from God. These chapters serve as a sobering reminder that without God’s guidance, society drifts into chaos and destruction.

📚 Overview of Judges 17-19

🔹 Judges 17 – Micah’s False Religion
Micah sets up a shrine and hires a Levite as his personal priest, showcasing Israel’s misguided attempts at worship.

🔹 Judges 18 – The Danites’ Idolatry
The tribe of Dan steals Micah’s idols and priest, establishing their own false worship system.

🔹 Judges 19 – A Nation’s Moral Collapse
A horrifying story of abuse and violence exposes the depths of Israel’s depravity when they reject God’s ways.

📖 Staying Grounded in God’s Truth
Judges 17-19 reveals the dangers of living without God’s authority. When people do what is right in their own eyes, the result is moral confusion, idolatry, and deep corruption. These chapters remind us that true peace and righteousness come only from following God’s ways. Let’s commit to seeking His truth and living by His commands, no matter what the world around us does.

Bible Study Points and Reflections

  • 📖 Judges 17: The Danger of Creating Your Own Religion
    • 📌 Key Verse: Judges 17:6 – “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.”
    • 💡 Reflection: When people abandon God’s truth, they redefine morality to suit themselves.
    • Application: Are there areas in your life where you might be following personal preferences rather than God’s Word?
  • 📖 Judges 18: The Corruption of Worship
    • 📌 Key Verse: Judges 18:31 – “They continued to use the idol Micah had made, all the time the house of God was in Shiloh.”
    • 💡 Reflection: Worshiping God our own way instead of His way leads to spiritual deception.
    • Application: Are you seeking God with a sincere heart or just following traditions?
  • 📖 Judges 19: A Society Without God
    • 📌 Key Verse: Judges 19:30 – “Think about it! Consider it! Tell us what to do!”
    • 💡 Reflection: Without God’s guidance, sin spirals into unimaginable evil.
    • Application: How can you ensure that God’s truth shapes your choices instead of worldly influences?

🌟 Encouragement of the Day

No matter how dark the world around us becomes, we are called to be a light. Even in a culture that rejects God, you can stand firm in His truth. When others follow their own ways, choose to follow Him. His Word is a lamp to your feet and a light to your path. Keep seeking Him, and He will guide you in righteousness!

🙏 Call to Action

📖 Journal Prompt: What happens when people follow their own moral compass instead of God’s truth? How can you stay rooted in His Word?

💬 Discussion: Why do you think people often redefine worship and morality to fit their desires? Share your thoughts in the comments!

🙏 Prayer: Lord, help me to seek You in truth and not be led astray by my own desires or the world’s influence. Keep my heart steadfast in Your Word. Amen.