Review: What Does It Mean To Seek God?
In part 1 of our Seeking God series, we talked about the importance of developing a seeker’s heart. That is a heart that sees the need to search for God and has an ever-increasing desire to do so in a world that is all too preoccupied with everything else. We also mentioned how God deeply desires that we seek Him with ALL our hearts. And if we do He promises that not only will we find Him (Jeremiah 29:13-14), but He will also reward our diligent searching! (Hebrews 11:6)
The Scriptures urge and command us: Now set your mind and heart to seek the Lord your God. (1 Chronicles 22:19)

Is It Possible To Know God?
God wants to know you and for you to know Him! He has gone through a lot of trouble to make Himself known to us. The Scriptures tell us in John 1:1-2: 1“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.” And again in verse 14: 14 “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us…”
The Bible also says: 18 “No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.” John 1:18
Jesus is God in the flesh. He is the unique Son of God: fully God and fully man! God came to earth as a man in order that we could come to know Him. So as we come to know the character and teachings of Jesus the goal is to ultimately aspire to seek to know God through Him. It is through faith in the life and teachings of Jesus that we can actually come to know who God is and what He is like.
In fact, the scriptures tell us that this is what eternal life is all about: knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ who He sent. John 17:3 Eternity will consist of a perpetual time of knowing God through all the amazing things we will experience with Him in heaven. Obviously, knowing God is definitely important to Him.
Seeking God Thru Knowing Who Jesus Is
Again the Bible tells us in Colossians 2:9 : 9 “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form…” All the fullness of God lives in Jesus Christ. This means that every aspect of God’s character can be found in Jesus. Reading through any of the Gospels describing Jesus’ life and words will give you insight into God’s character and His will for your life. Here are several aspects from a day in the life of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark:
- Mark 1:21-22. Jesus was an amazing teacher whose words were spoken with authority.
- Mark 1:23-28. Jesus cast out demons, showing that the power of God was present in Him.
- Mark 1:29-31. Jesus met people’s felt needs and healed the sick.
- Mark 1:32-34. Jesus focused His attention on others and selflessly gave of Himself.
- Mark 1:35. Jesus was dependent on God in prayer for His strength and direction.
- Mark 1:36-39. Jesus was consumed with His mission to preach the Good News.
- Mark 1:40-42. Jesus was filled with compassion for His people.
- Mark 10:32-34, 45. Jesus came to serve and gave His perfect life as a ransom for sinners. As predicted He was rejected by His people and crucified – but He rose from the grave three days later.
Knowing Jesus Personally
- 1 John 2:3-6. Knowing Jesus is not just an intellectual exercise. The goal of the Christian is to obey His commands and to become more and more like Him: to think like Jesus, to act like Jesus, to live or “walk” as Jesus did.
- John 14:6. Jesus claimed to be the way, not a way. He claimed to be the truth, not one truth among many. He said He was the life, not just a better life. How important is it that we put our faith, trust, and obedience in Jesus? No one will make it to the Father unless they come to Him through Jesus! (Acts 4:12)
So, we come to know Jesus through the Scriptures. And as we learn more about Jesus, we are beginning to know what God is really like. You can choose one of the Gospels and read through it in its entirety. In this way you will learn more about Him for yourself.
Finally, these last scriptures from the Bible show how the Son is the exact representation of God, and how He shared in our humanity by becoming a man. Lastly it mentions how He empathizes with our weaknesses. He is our faithful and compassionate High Priest in service to God on our behalf.
We love You and thank You Lord Jesus for what You’ve done for us. May we always hold Your name in the highest honor!!