A Fresh Start: What Is God Asking of Me in This Season of Life?

As we welcome the new year, there’s a unique sense of possibility and renewal in the air. For many of us, it’s a time to pause, reflect, and set intentions. But as believers, our starting point is different. Instead of simply asking what we want to accomplish, we should be asking, What is God calling me to do in this season of my life?

This question shifts the focus from our own plans to God’s purpose. It invites us to see our lives through the lens of His wisdom and timing. And it encourages us to live intentionally as stewards of the gifts, opportunities, and challenges He’s placed before us.

A Woman Contemplating

Recognizing the Season You’re In

Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Life’s seasons are varied: seasons of growth, waiting, healing, serving, or even resting. Identifying the season God has you in can help you discern what He’s asking of you right now.

Take a moment to consider:

  • Are you in a season of planting seeds for the future, perhaps in relationships, career, or ministry?
  • Is God calling you to rest and trust Him, even when you’re eager to move?
  • Are you in a season of harvest, where it’s time to step boldly into something new?

Reflecting on God’s Call

Here are some prompts to guide your reflection:

  1. Am I seeking God’s wisdom?
    • Have I taken time to read His Word pray and ask for His guidance as I start the new year? (James 1:5)
  2. Am I being faithful in the small things?
    • Sometimes, God’s calling starts with stewarding what we already have. Am I honoring Him with my time, talents, and relationships? (Luke 16:10)
  3. How can I love and serve others?
    • Is God calling me to greater empathy, forgiveness, or action in my community or family? (Matthew 22:37-39)
  4. Am I embracing the power of the Church?
    • God’s intent is that the Church—His people—displays His wisdom and love to the world (Ephesians 3:10). How am I contributing to this mission?

Taking Steps of Faith

Once you’ve spent time in prayer and reflection, it’s time to take action. Even small steps of obedience can lead to profound growth and change. Here are some practical ideas:

  • Start your day with prayer: Ask God to reveal opportunities to live out His calling today.
  • Journal your thoughts: Write down what God places on your heart as you reflect on His Word.
  • Set intentional goals: These could be spiritual, relational, or personal goals that align with God’s leading.
  • Seek community: Share your reflections with trusted friends or a church group who can encourage and pray with you.

Embracing God’s Power

No matter the season you’re in, remember this: God has given you His power and His Spirit. You are significant in His plan. Your life has purpose, even in moments of pain, uncertainty, or waiting.

As you step into the new year, lean into this truth. Be bold in asking, “Lord, what do You want me to do in this season?” And trust that He will lead you, one faithful step at a time.

Let’s reflect together: What is God calling you to do in this season of your life? Share in the comments below, and let’s encourage one another as we follow His leading!

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